Thursday, March 15, 2007

Political Milk..?

What's political about milk you ask?
Most of the milk throughout the state of Florida and the country is tainted with Monsanto's Bovine Growth hormone, Prosilac. The longest test Monsanto conducted for human toxicity was 90 days on 30 rats, where either they miss-reported the findings or the FDA didn't bother to do their job and look in-depth into Monsanto's studies. When other agencies, such as Health Canada studied the product in-depth, they found that the hormone could be absorbed by the body, and did have implications for humans, which was omitted from the final version of Monsanto's report. Canada and Europe have banned Milk from the United States containing the growth hormone. When Fox News reporters attempted to report the cancer causing effects, they were first forced to rewrite the story 83 times, and then fired for not altering the story the way that Fox's lawyers wanted. When they sued Fox under the Whistle Blower statute (which protects those who try and prevent others from breaking the law) the jury found that the altered story that Fox pressured them to air was in-fact, false, distorted or slanted. Fox appealed the verdict, and the appeals court judge found that falsifying the news wasn't against the law, and denied their Whistle Blower status.
The FDA not preventing a product with cancer causing implications, and one of the most trusted news agencies in the country being able to falsify the news... you decide whether it's a comment or send us an email at


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Game Time

Can it be that things are already heating up for the 08 elections? yep. They sure are. I found myself back in "game time" mode this week as the pace quickens and the personnel begins to grow. For any of you out there who have played competetive team sports and also been involved in some way in politics, you know what I mean. There is a real parallel between the two when it comes to elections. Governance, not so much. Politics, absolutely.


Friday, March 02, 2007

We're Back

Yeah, we've not been doing much with Beyond Tuesday. But now we're back and we're better than ever. With the addition of our new intern Ian, we now have some energy and zeal behind the project. And that's just what Beyond Tuesday is. It's not brilliant or profound. Or coherent. It is just an experiment in voicing our political opinions and taking a different look at the realities around us. So join us. For the first time. Or again.


Friday, February 09, 2007

The Here and Now vs. Politics

Political circles are swirling. Barack Obama is set to officially announce his candidacy. Articles abound everyday on presidential hopefuls. Debates are being waged about the war in an attempt to frame up the issues for the election in 2008.

What about today? What about the lives of Americans today? Are all politics about the future? You could argue that they are. We'd be interested to hear what you think. How does all the positioning and rhetoric and campaigning affect what actually gets done TODAY? Are elected officials so worried about the next step that they can't focus on governing well now?

Let us know what you think.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Legislation and Everyday Issues

I was made aware of a glaring example of how legislators effect the daily lives of citizens as I read this story today. It is a situation where lawmakers in Georgia had the opportunity to make a real difference in one young man's life by passing effective, fair and realistic legislation. Instead, the legislation was too quickly conceived and passed, leaving the man for whom it was intended out in the cold. Read the article and tell us what you think. Story

New Podcast Day

Beyond Tuesday is moving to Fridays! For all you faithful listeners, be on notice...we'll now be recording and posting our new episodes on Friday afternoons. It'll make for a lively discussion heading into the weekend and yet another way for you to waste time at the office on Friday as you watch the minutes tick away until you get to go home. See you (hear you) then!

Friday, January 05, 2007

A question for YOU

Is there a need for a viable third Party in the American Political system? Why?